Charles in his home office

Author and Novelist

Charles has written 1.5 million words in sermons and a blog called The Daily Sip.  His first two published books include Fearless Church Fundraising (2014) and Fearless Major Gifts (2016). His third book, Note To Self (2018) won the Illumination Award’s Gold Medallion in the Spirituality category in 2019 (His Holiness, The Pope, won Bronze that year).  Charles is currently writing a secular book called Blue Ink: The Diary of a Fundraiser to help small non-profits establish and manage a development office and is co-writing a secular version of his 2018 book about Human Choice-making. He is also writing a thriller novel about the next final 30 years of the established church and writes occasional articles and blogs. He writes every day from 6:00 am to 8:00 am before his work-day begins.

The Daily Sip